Please read through the Diggerland USA legal information carefully. Below you will find detailed information regarding park terms & conditions, park rules & regulations, ride rules and regulations, New Jersey law, service animal policy, website and app terms of use, patent information and sweepstakes or giveaway policies.
If you have questions on our policies or other matters, please email us at
Please carefully read the below rules and regulations. Each time you purchase or receive a ticket or season pass to, or are admitted to or enter or use, the park, you thereby acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood, accepted and agreed to abide by the below rules and regulations. A violation of any rule/regulation is cause for ejection without refund or credit.
- Bags, purses, backpacks, containers, cases, packages, etc. are subject to inspection
- Please be prepared upon park entry to present all items for inspection and approval by authorized park personnel
- We recommend that you not bring to the park or store in your vehicle any valuables or unnecessary items. Leave them home or elsewhere away from the park
- You bear all risk of loss of or damage to your property in or about the park including any stored in your vehicle
- One clear, unopened bottle of water per guest
- Baby food in its original container and baby formula in its original container or in a typical baby bottle
- Exceptions made on a case-by-case basis for food allergies and other medical purposes, but there are no exceptions permitted for preferences or for requirements based on ethnic or religious beliefs
- Peanuts and peanut products
- Glass bottles and other glass containers
- Tobacco, smoking, smokeless/chewing tobacco, e-cigarette, vaping, etc. products and accessories
- Illegal substances
- Clothing, attire or accessories with profane, obscene, abusive, offensive, inappropriate, disruptive, disturbing, unruly, or threatening words, text, symbols, graphics or other matter
- Sport, game or activity ball, toy or equipment (other than as supplied by the park)
- Whistles or devices that may distract or confuse lifeguards or other safety personnel or guests
- Skateboards, hoverboards, scooters, roller/in-line skates/blades, roller shoes/sneakers, other motorized or recreational mobility devices and similar devices and items
- Audio devices, except with the use of headphones or earpieces
- Animals except for trained service animals serving as such (Note: report your need for the animal to park personnel at admissions. Animals are not permitted on rides or in pools.)
- Folding, lounge or other chairs, or similar devices, or anything that may block or interfere with any walkway, seating area or other area
- Grills, grilling or other means of heating or cooking food and fire or fuels for fire (butane, propane, white gas, kerosene, charcoal, wood, etc.)
- Fireworks, explosives and explosive materials
- Weapons or items that may be used as weapons, including:
- Firearms, taser/stun guns, ammunition, cartridges, projectiles and similar items
- Knives, sharp tools or instruments, batons and similar items
- Mace/pepper/other chemical sprays, weapons and similar items
- Violation of any park rule or regulation is cause for ejection without refund, credit or exchange
- Note: park rules and regulations include all restrictions, warnings and instructions on ride, pool, attraction and area signage or given by any lifeguard, ride operator or other safety or park personnel
- Park rules and regulations extend and apply to all parking areas, vehicular or pedestrian traffic areas and areas adjacent to any fencing, railing, wall or other structure or support
- Children under age 13 must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian
- Parents and guardians are required to supervise their children at all times
- No children are allowed in any pool without adult supervision
- Park personnel may in their discretion take any action and impose any park rule or regulation they deem reasonable or necessary for safe, secure, clean and family friendly park operation and guest experience
- Guests must not distract or engage in unnecessary conversation with any lifeguard, ride operator or other safety personnel
- Guests must exercise good judgment; act in a responsible, family-friendly manner; act as an ordinary prudent person who is or should be aware of all risks of which you have been warned; and refrain from behaving in a reckless manner
- Guests must exercise caution:
- Steps, metal surfaces, wet surfaces, and pool areas may be slippery
- Playground, seating, machine and other surfaces exposed to sunlight or heat may be hot
- Wind or ride motion may circulate pollen, allergens, dust, dirt or other airborne particles
- Sunscreen use is encouraged; however, suntan oils/other oils are not permitted in the water
- Smoking, smokeless/chewing tobacco use, e-cigarette, vaping, etc.
- Spitting, running, line-jumping, place-holding, fighting, bullying, pushing or horseplay
- Profane, obscene, abusive, offensive, inappropriate, disruptive, disturbing, unruly, or threatening speech, language, behavior, actions, activities, gestures or symbols
- Climbing, sitting, standing, walking, lying, hanging on, etc. any fencing, railing, pole, barrier, wall or other structure or support
- Eating or drinking or gum chewing while in line for, on, in or near a pool, ride, course, attraction or playground area or any entry/exit area
- We (and others in or about the park) may photograph, film, video or otherwise copy or capture in any manner any picture, likeness, image, voice or sound of any person, event, act, occurrence or thing in or about the park
- We may use, display, broadcast, publish, circulate, modify, alter, create any derivative of distribute, transfer, license or sell that for any use or purpose (including any social media, website, newsletter, brochure, security, safety, liability, insurance, litigation or commercial use or purpose)
- We may do any or all of the above without payment to anyone
- We retain all copyright and other intellectual property rights
- Commercial or other unauthorized use of any picture, likeness, image, voice or sound of any person, event, act, occurrence or thing in or about the park, by anyone other than us, is prohibited without our express written consent
- Ride/pool/attraction signage includes height and weight restrictions and other warnings and instructions
- Before park entry you may visit guest services to check height and/or weight and receive a list of restrictions
- Riders/swimmers must comply with all ride/pool/attraction signage and all park personnel oral warnings and instructions
- You are responsible for making sure that any minor under your care or supervision obeys and complies with all signage, restrictions, warnings and instructions
- Riders must properly use all belts, harnesses, straps, grips and other safety equipment and restraint systems required or provided
- On any ride on which lap riding is permitted, lap riding is only permitted for a child on the lap of his/her parent or guardian, and the seat belt must fit securely around both riders
- Riders/swimmers must refrain from behaving in a reckless manner
- Riders/swimmers must refrain from use of rides, pools and attractions when under the influence of drugs, alcohol or illegal substances
- Do not enter any ride/pool/attraction except at permitted points of entry and exit as indicated by signage or when permitted or instructed to do so by park personnel
- Do not ride or use, or permit minors under your care or supervision to ride or use, any ride/attraction if the rider/swimmer:
- Has a fear of heights, motion sickness, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness, panic attacks, or other conditions or:
- limitations of concern;
- Has had recent surgery or illness;
- Is pregnant;
- Has high blood pressure, or any heart, circulatory, respiratory muscular, skeletal, neck, back, joint or bone problem or condition;
- Has any other problem, condition, illness, injury, disease or sickness that may become worse or make the rider/swimmer more vulnerable to injury;
- Is under the influence of drugs, alcohol or illegal substances; or
- Cannot properly use any and all belts, harnesses, straps, grips and other safety equipment and restraint systems required or provided
- You are responsible to know your health and physical condition and limitations and the health and physical condition and limitations of any minor under your care or supervision
- If you ride or use, or you permit any minors under your care or supervision to ride or use, any ride/attraction, you or they do so at your or their own risk
Safety is of utmost importance at all times. Diggerland USA has always been and remains committed to guest safety, on rides and throughout our park, and the safety of our employees. Our action plan for the current COVID-19 public health emergency includes:
- Contactless admissions and payment options
- Hand hygiene facilities
- Social distancing markings and guides for those who wish to continue voluntarily practicing 6-foot distancing
- Other measures and procedures implemented in accordance with requirements and guidelines including those issued by applicable state and county governmental authorities, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and amusement park industry association guidelines.
Please remember: Safety is a Shared Responsibility. We ask our guests (and we instruct our employees) to be aware of all necessary and recommended COVID-19 social distancing practices and hygienic practices and precautions, including facial coverings, and cough and sneeze hygiene etiquette.
We request that anyone presenting COVID-19 symptoms, and anyone who within the last 14 days either tested positive for COVID-19 or may have been (or believes that they may have been) exposed to COVID-19, refrain from entering park premises.
State law presently provides that individuals:
- in outdoor public spaces are not required to wear masks, regardless of their ability to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals or groups, and regardless of their vaccination status.
- in indoor public spaces are not required to wear masks, regardless of their ability to maintain six feet of distance from other individuals or groups. In accordance with CDC recommendations, individuals who are not fully vaccinated should continue to wear masks in indoor public spaces.
Guests are permitted to choose to wear facial coverings; however, State law presently provides that:
- Facial coverings are not permitted while in the water or,
- Children under age 2, or
- Individuals who for medical reasons are unable to wear facial coverings.
State law presently does not requires guests to practice social distancing or staying six feet apart, from others excluding immediate family members, caretakers, household members, or romantic partners, or families of one household to another household as well as all other guests and employees. Please refer to social distancing markings and guides for those who wish to voluntarily practice 6-foot distancing.
Please be aware of all COVID-19 hygiene practices and precautions, including cough and sneeze hygiene etiquette and hand hygiene practices. Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue or the inside of your elbow. Discard used tissues in no-touch trash disposal receptacles. Wash hands regularly and often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after visiting the restrooms or changing room, before and after eating, and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Supervise young children. Avoiding touching eyes, nose, and mouth. COVID-19 hygiene practices must be followed throughout the park including in and about the pools and pool deck.
State law presently prohibits sharing of chairs as well as towels, umbrellas, sunglasses, PFDs (Personal Flotation Devices), goggles, water shoes, sunscreen and other items (except among immediate family members, caretakers, household members or romantic partners).
Diggerland USA has available for its guests throughout the park:
- No-touch, sensor-activated hand sanitizer dispenser stations.
- No-touch trash disposal receptacles.
- Anti-bacterial soap in all restrooms and hand-washing stations and at the first aid station.
We encourage guests to include with their travel supplies appropriate hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes; nitrile, latex or vinyl gloves; tissues and other paper products; and wrapped utensils.
You may make online advance purchases of tickets and season passes HERE. At the admission booth, you will self-scan your bar-coded receipt. Our admissions booths also offer chip card readers for contactless payment.
Our point-of-sale stations also offer chip card readers for contactless payment. Contactless payment is recommended for use throughout the park.
Please at all times remember the importance of cooperation with park personnel instructions and directions.
Please also cooperate with other guests, such as for observance of social distancing guidelines, in queue lines and throughout the park.
Observe all social distancing markings and guides, all park signage and all in-park broadcast instructions and directions.
Remember: Safety is a Shared Responsibility
Exposure to COVID-19 is an inherent risk in any public location. We cannot and do not guarantee that you will not be exposed to COVID-19 during your visit. You enter our premises at your own risk, and you assume all risk, of exposure to COVID-19. Please check this webpage for updates and modifications in advance of your visit. Governmental, CDC and other requirements and guidelines are updated or modified from time to time. Diggerland USA reserves the right to update or modify its health and safety rules and regulations from time to time with or without notice. Diggerland USA reserves the right to modify its health and safety rules and regulations in its discretion from time to time with or without notice and on a case-by-case basis to address or accommodate any circumstance, event or occurrence for which Diggerland USA in its discretion believes modification is warranted.
New Jersey Law [N.J.A.C. Section 8:26-5.4] requires compliance with the following:
- Any person showing evidence of any communicable skin disease, sore or inflamed eyes, cold, nasal or ear discharges, or any other communicable disease shall be denied admission.
- Any person with excessive sunburn, open blisters, cuts, or bandages shall be denied admission.
- Do not enter the water if you are experiencing or recovering from diarrhea or have had signs or symptoms of a gastrointestinal (stomach) disease in the past seven days.
- Children that wear diapers must specifically be wearing a swim diaper. Do not wash out soiled diapers in the bathing water.
- Children should be encouraged to use the restroom before entering the water. Immediately report any “accidents” you observe in the bathing waters to a Lifeguard.
- No animals except for service animals shall be allowed in the pool area. Service animals ARE NOT allowed in any of the pools.
- Glass containers shall be prohibited in food and drink areas.
- All persons shall shower before entering the water.
- Conduct which endangers the safety and comfort of others shall be prohibited.
- Outdoor bathing shall be prohibited during an electrical storm.
- Persons suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol shall be prohibited from entering the water.
To ensure a safe bathing environment:
- Only U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFDs (Personal Flotation Devices) are permitted. No other flotation devices are permitted. No “swimmies,” “floaties,” “water wings” or other types of inflatable armbands are permitted.
- We provide PFDs as available. Ask admissions, a supervisor or lifeguard for assistance.
- Weak or novice swimmers and small children must wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFD.
- Children under 36” tall must wear U.S. Coast Guard-approved PFD.
- Children under 36” tall must at all times be accompanied by and supervised by a supervising adult.
- Children under 36” tall must at all times be within arm's reach of supervising adult.
- In Jackhammer Bay, Children less than 5 years of age must at all times be within arm's reach of supervising adult.
- No children are allowed in any pool without adult supervision.
- Parents or guardians are required to supervise their children at all times.
- First Aid personnel and supplies are available at the first aid station located by the entrance to The Water Main.
- Exercise caution in deep water. Prolonged exposure may result in fatigue. Stop when tired.
- Prolonged activity or physical exertion may cause fatigue. Stop when tired.
- Know your limits and the limits of children under your supervision. Stop when tired.
- You are responsible to know your health and physical condition and limitations and the health and physical condition and limitations of any minor under your care or supervision.
- No pushing, dunking, shoulder-riding, excessive splashing or other horseplay.
- No inappropriate or unsafe behavior or activities.
- Swim only in a continual clockwise direction when swimming in Digger River & Vortex.
- No underwater swimming in Digger River & Vortex.
- No competitive/repetitive underwater breath-holding.
- No underwater breath-holding exercises.
- No prolonged underwater swimming for time or distance.
- No spitting, spouting or nose-blowing. No spitting anywhere in the park.
- No climbing, lying, sitting, standing, walking, etc. on pool walls.
- No climbing or hanging on, or swimming under or over, dividing safety line.
- Do not touch or insert anything into any water inlet or jet.
- Do not swim outside of designated areas.
- No hanging, climbing, etc. on tower, slide or any structural elements.
- No hanging, climbing, etc. on basketball net, rim or any structural elements.
- No climbing, lying, sitting, standing, walking, etc. on the walls in the Aqua Shot.
- No rafts, tubes, inflatables, foam or other toys or devices.
- No water toys, snorkels, squirt guns or similar items.
- No balls, other than as supplied by The Water Main, and no objects, sport or game equipment or similar objects and items including diving rings / sticks, coins, water toys and flying/floating discs.
- No line jumping/cutting. No place-holding in line.
- No eating or drinking while in line for, on, in or near a pool, a course or attraction or an entry/exit area.
- No food, beverages, gum or similar products are permitted in line for, on, in or near a pool, a course or attraction or an entry/exit area.
- No tobacco products, pipes, vapes, e-cigarettes or similar devices are permitted in the park.
- No glass bottles or other glass containers are permitted anywhere in the park.
- No profanity. No profane, obscene, abusive, offensive or threatening abusive language, speech, behavior, actions, activities, gestures or symbols.
- Proper swim attire required. All attire must be clean when entering pool, course or attraction.
- Swimwear may be a safety issue. Swimwear must be colorfast, lightweight, safe and suitable as swimwear. Swimwear should not be so loose or oversized as to endanger the wearer or others.
- No cutoffs, gym shorts or provocative swim wear.
- No bathing attire with exposed zippers or buckles, or belts, rivets, grommets, metal or any other sharp items or edges, permitted in pool.
- All straps, strings, drawstrings, waistbands, etc. must be securely tied. No loose threads, tassels, straps, strings, drawstrings, waistbands, knots, bows, etc. or other bathing attire that may pose a safety issue.
- No necklaces, watches, rings or any other sharp items permitted in pool.
- Water shoes and aqua socks are permitted but not required. Must be clean when entering pool, course or attraction.
- Do not enter/exit pool, course or attraction except at permitted (as per signage) points of entry/exit. Enter only when permitted to do so by lifeguards or other safety personnel. Exit when directed to do so by lifeguards or other safety personnel.
- Do not sunbathe, lie, sit, etc. close to edge of the pool or anywhere else where others may trip over you. Only sunbathe, lie, sit, etc. in areas designated for such activity.
- No suntan or other oils are permitted in the water.
- Sunscreen use is encouraged; however, suntan oils/other oils are not permitted in the water.
- Shower before entering or re-entering the pool. Please shower after using toilet facilities.
- Children not yet toilet trained must wear an approved swim diaper.
- No changing diapers on or around pool deck. Diapers must be changed in restrooms. Please wash with soap and water after changing a diaper.
- Do not distract any lifeguard, slide attendant or other safety personnel. Do not engage any lifeguard slide attendant or other safety personnel in unnecessary conversation.
- Pools close during lightning or severe weather.
- Exit pools immediately if instructed or directed to do by lifeguards or other safety personnel.
- Lifeguards, supervisors and park management have final authority on all safety issues.
- You must obey all posted warnings and instructions.
- You must obey all warnings and instructions given by lifeguards, slide attendants or other safety personnel.
Failure to follow water park rules will result in disciplinary action up to and including possible dismissal without a refund.
The Water Main at Diggerland USA is a family park. Act accordingly.
Vehicles that measure 11' high, 7' wide, 20' long and smaller will be permitted to drive the Holiday Light Show path through the park.
Drivers, passengers and vehicles must comply with New Jersey motor vehicle laws. Seat belts required. Passengers must remain in vehicle interior at all times.
Vehicles not permitted on show course include those listed below:
- No commercial van, truck, tractor, motorcycle, vehicle with trailer or anything else in tow, bus, mini-bus, RV, motorhome, camper or oversized (over any of these dimensions: 11' high, 7' wide, 20' long) vehicle
- No ATV, UTV or other off-road vehicle or non-highway vehicle
- No vehicle with more or less than (4) four tires.
- No vehicle that park personnel deem unsafe or unable to fit or drive the show course including each turning radius and each point of ingress or egress.
We are not responsible for damages to vehicles or the safety of you, as the driver, or your passengers.
If you cannot make your ticket reservation day, you may make new arrangements to come on a different day by emailing with the scheduled day and the new day you'd like to come. Tickets to the Holiday Light Show are valid until the current season's last show. Refunds will not be issued for unused tickets. The Holiday Light Show is a completely separate experience from Diggerland USA amusement and water park. You cannot use a park ticket, season pass or membership for entry. Diggerland USA rides and attractions will be closed.
Inclement weather and other conditions may necessitate the closure of the light show or part of the light show. The show will generally operate in light-to-moderate snow or rain and close with heavier precipitation, or thunder or lightning. Guests whose ride is significantly shortened for this reason will receive a complimentary “rain check” ticket to return later this season. As with all tickets, “rain check” tickets are subject to available capacity and expire at the end of the season for which issued.
We recommend that you call in advance with questions about our available capacity or our operating schedule. Please call our main office (856) 768-1110 during business hours with any questions.
Let the Fun Start!
Drive, ride and operate real machinery at the ONLY construction theme & water park in the U.S. Located in West Berlin, NJ.